Study abroad during my fall semester in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

28 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


I know Im a day late with this post but we just got our power back after 27 hours without it! I sure was thankful for a lot of things while it was out, things like a fan, cool air, a tv and elevators were at the top of my list yesterday. I left the house around 2 to go to our program directors house for a Thanksgiving "dinner" made for 60 people. Lets just say it was nice to see some people in the program who I havent seen since our arrival here. The food was ok but it wasnt like at home. First of all Thanksgiving here was hot, 91 degrees. Second of all there were no White House Rolls, not a Thanksgiving without them. Third of all, NO FAMILY. Fourth, no gravy, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, green vegetables (not a single one, you wouldve been disappointed mom), stuffing wasnt real, no cranberry sauce, and no random concoctions by any aunts, grandmas, or mom. haha

I got back to my building around 5 pm to discover there were no lights/electricity. I had to go up 7 flights of stairs in the dark, so dark I couldnt see my hand right in front of my face. Come to find out only our block had lost power and random blocks in the city lost power. My host mom, her sister and I played UNO for a few hours, until it got dark. Then they couldnt walk down 7 flights and up 7 flights to get some food so we cooked some burgers on the gas stove. Then we all crashed for the night and I had a visitor in my room, a mosquito, which proceeded to have a Thanksgiving feast on my body as I sweat away in the 80 degree night. I woke up with tons of bites on my body. Today the power came back on around 8 and I took a shower and had dinner.

I hope Turkey day was great for all of y'all and I shall see you soon. 3 weeks until Im in the US of A.

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