Study abroad during my fall semester in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

06 November 2008

What do do?!

So guys, its a little after 3 pm here, and I'm sitting here in my room, sweating a little because there is no air conditioning in my room and its pushing 90 degrees here. I just got finished eating lunch at my usual Thursday afternoon spot right next to the cemetery called Puerto Mont. I enjoy going there because for 26 pesos we get the hook-up from our camarera (waitress). A Coke, plate of the day, bread, dessert and ICE. Sure ice may not sound like a big deal until you come down here and they dont give you ice for your drinks. It usually doesnt matter that ice is not included because the drinks are pretty cold, but on days like today it matters.
But I was wondering, what would you guys like to see pictures of in Buenos Aires. I have some free time on my hands to go around the city and take pictures of things to put up for you guys to enjoy. I will tell you I will only go around the barrios or neighborhoods that I have been to or that I know are safe. So do some research/googling on Buenos Aires and let me know what you would like to see or hear about down here. are a few things I have forgot to mention to you guys. We changed time here about 2 weeks ago putting me two hours ahead of EST, on Sunday, the States changed time so now I am 3 hours ahead of EST.

October 30th marked the 25th anniversary of Democracy in Argentina

Also if any of you guys know of anyone offering internships this summer for a rising senior from HSC with Speaking skills let me know!!! Im searching for interships.

And if you know of anyone willing to chip in some dinero $$$ for me to go the DR in Jan for a service project with Rivers of the World let me know! Its the same trip I went on last January. If not please let me know if you would like to donate either $$, baseball gear, clothing, or school supplies for the trip. As of today I am not going on the trip bc I cant afford it but I would still love to be able to send some stuff with the guys for the trip!

email me:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

had a chance to email Juan in ES and gave him your blogspot he may be in contact
talk to you soon