Study abroad during my fall semester in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

19 August 2008

Random information from the dinner table

Over the past month...(cant believe its been a month!!!) I have found out some interesting random facts/gossip from the dinner table. I figured I would share it with you.
The first item lasted about a week and a half here, and from what my friends said, it was the topic of many dinner discussions in host families homes. It was a rumor that Condoleezza Rice and President Bush had an affair together. A little off the wall but the news stations carried it and people believed...

Another topic of discussion was about the original Zorro star Armand Joseph Catalano, aka Guy Williams. He retired here in Buenos Aires and died here at the age of 65. My host mother said he lived a couple streets over from where I live and he died in his house right here in Recoleta. I googled the new rumor and it turned out to be a fact. Hmm, just found another website that says he lived off Ayacucho (my street) six blocks up. I'm at 1385 and he was at 1964. Sounds like ill have to take a little walk there soon. Guy also starred in the original Lost in Space as Professor John Robinson. That was something new to me (maybe not to those who have reached the age of twenty before I have though)

A topic from tonight's dinner was about Hitler and his escape from Germany. This one my host mother admits is a rumor but its fun to consider. The rumor is that Hitler escaped Germany and traveled to Argentina. He retired and died in Cordoba, a big German about a 9 hour bus ride from here. They say he took a submarine up the river to land and fled there. I don't think that one has much behind it but it's interesting.

Another random fact, my host mother told me about a building approximately 5 blocks away where the Pope stayed on his visits to Argentina. We went by to check it out yesterday but I couldn't confirm what she said so I'll leave that up in the air. I don't know if its true or not but I took a picture just in case. If it is true, then I live in a pretty decent neighborhood. Who else can say they live in the same spot where Zorro died, Evita is buried and the Pope stays during his visits???? oh and did I mention the Alvear Palace Hotel a few blocks from me? other than housing royalty and other heads of state it really isnt that important...haha

Hope you guys enjoyed this. As I remember and encounter more stories from the dinner table I will be sure to inform you guys back home.

1 comment:

Auntie Lana said...

Olander, I love it. Reading your daily duties and topics is very interesting. I loved Zorro. He was one of my heros. Keep us posted on what you are doing. Auntie Lana will be looking forward to reading your news and whereabouts. Tell your adopted mom i said thanks for taking good care of you. Love Auntie Lana